Fermented Lime Mint Cake 🌱 🍋
Fermented Lime Mint Cake 🌱 🍋

Sprouted buckwheat cashew Cocoa, coconut oil Syrup lime, mint carob Dates

Пророщенная гречка кешью Какао , кокос масло Патока Клубника Кэроб Финики

Fermented Strawberry Cake 🍓
Fermented Strawberry Cake 🍓

Sprouted buckwheat cashew Cocoa, coconut oil Syrup Strawberry carob Dates

Пророщенная гречка кешью Какао, кокосовое масло Сироп Клубника рожковое дерево Даты

Our Values

🌱 Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Trans Fat Free, Lactose Free 🌱only organic products 🌱 Revitalized Fermented Ingredients 🌱 Low glycemic index 🌱 Ease of digestion and assimilation by the body 🌱The most correct dessert prepared in RAW traditions
🌱 The incredible taste of our desserts will be appreciated not only by adults but also by children!

Who I am

My name is Christina from Ukraine ! I am 42 years old ! I have always been worried about the question of how to maintain a healthy beautiful body? How great is it that our body has food, and what kind of food to choose from the diet ?! I have always been friends with sports, from the age of 20 I watched strength training and yoga. But this question began to worry me even more when the children appeared. Since I am already harmful, what harm does store-bought sweets do to the body, with trans fats, sugar tone, dyes and chemical food additives. I started looking for an alternative! I started experimenting with dried fruits and nuts.. but my children didn’t really like them, because of the well-known cloying and heaviness .. and besides, they were very high-calorie, which I didn’t like very much .. Somewhere on YouTube, I found a video of a rav cake. Based on fermented nuts, fresh fruits, oils… These desserts were not baked, they were simply frozen. They could be stored for a long time, than they were also very convenient. During my experiments, I added the popular buckwheat groats. In order to become fewer calories and contain more protein. I replaced cocoa with carob to fight allergies. Sugar is replaced by fibre. And then a miracle happened! My kids started asking for my desserts! All my friends were delighted with my cakes and sweets! And it gave me great pleasure to cook these wonderful sweets, realizing that they bring not only pleasure, but also use. My cakes are not only for the soul, but also for the body!
This is why I decided to start this business, hire a team of cook, training them, to bring to your home those healthy cakes for all your families.

Contact Us

Lustica, Montenegro
+380 50 101 89 20‬ (whatsapp/viber/telegram)
+ 380 50 101 89 20‬
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